The 25 Best Foods For Your Heart

Our daily diet plays a vital role on the health and strength of our heart, and if our meals largely consist of processed, canned and salted foods, our heart suffers unexplainably. There is an abundance of research that reveals that the foods and beverages we consume can either provide protection or wreak havoc on the health of our heart.

A recent study revealed that nearly 70% of heart ailments and strokes can be easily prevented with a wholesome, nutrient-rich and heart-healthy diet. Nutritionists and health experts believe that foods and nutrients that are healthy for the heart are naturally healthy for the brain and overall bodily health. All you have to do is steer clear of fried foods, trans fats, processed meals, and sugar-loaded treats and beverages.

Cardiovascular Heart Failure

The idea is to create a heart-healthy diet regime by adding up whole grains, fatty fish, leafy green veggies, fresh fruits, seeds, nuts and essential oils, and minimize all unhealthy indulgences and chemical-rich food items that unnatural and unhygienic. We’ve compiled a list of 25 superfoods that pack up wide range of heart-healthy benefits and a rich assortment of heart-friendly nutrients.

Here, take a look:

1. Walnuts

Walnuts are the healthiest nuts that nature has to offer. They are loaded with a remarkable assortment of heart-healthy nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, folate, vitamin E and fiber. They also pack up a fabulous nutrient density of polyunsaturated fats, which are immensely essential for normalizing blood pressure levels and vitalizing the heart. However, be sure to devour walnuts without any salt as salted versions will do more harm than good.

2. Coffee

Here’s an amazing news for caffeine addicts, several researchers have revealed that coffee is one of the richest sources of heart-healthy antioxidants, and it also cuts down the risk factors contributing to diabetes type 2. All you need is three cups of coffee every day to boost up your energy and cognitive levels, and cut down the risk factors that contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are loaded with a powerhouse concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, and all you need is a spoonful of these power-packed superfoods to brim you up with nearly half of daily dosage requirement of omega-3s and no more than 60 calories.

Research reveals that regular consumption of chia seeds prevent the build-up of plaque that clogs up the arteries, and they also aid in lowering and normalizing cholesterol levels. You can devour these treats with your smoothies, juices, salads, yogurt, and even soups.

4. Liver

Liver is packed with heart-healthy fats and they are extremely essential to keep the heart vitalized and strong. Primitive humans derived their strength from devouring the entire animal, especially the liver for it is brimming with the richest concentration of healthy fats that are vital for the strength of the human body.

5. Wild Salmon

This fatty fish is one of the richest marine-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance the health of the heart, and enhance the metabolic markers for heart ailments. Wild salmon is also packed with extraordinarily high levels of selenium, an essential antioxidant that has been scientifically proven to provide enhanced protection to the cardiovascular system. However, be sure to steer clear of farmed or canned salmon varieties, and pick out only fresh wild salmon.

6. Almonds

Almonds are powerfully nutritious crunchy delights that pack up a wondrous concentration of omega-3 fatty acids. They are extremely beneficial for the heart, and if you don’t like the bitter tinge of fleshy walnuts, these meaty nuts are your best pick.

7. Sardines

Sardines are packed with powerful doses of omega-3 fatty acids, which are converted to the form of fish oil that increases the HDL or good cholesterol levels, and cuts down the risk for sudden heart strokes and attacks.

Sardines are immensely beneficial for preventing and eliminating the risk factors contributing to heart attacks amongst patients who have experienced attacks previously. However, be sure to pick out fresh and organic sardines as opposed to farmed or canned varieties as they pack up a great deal of salt, which is extremely unhealthy for the heart.

8. Blueberries

These dark and succulently berries are brimming with resveratrol, and another incredibly powerful antioxidant, flavonoids, which aid in shielding the heart against coronary disease. You can devour these delicious treats in your salads, frozen yogurt, smoothies, desserts, cakes and oatmeal.

9. Broccoli

This nutrient-rich green veggie is one of the healthiest superfoods to promote the health of the heart. It packs up a powerful concentration of fiber, heaps of mighty antioxidants, essential vitamins, and it is extremely low in cholesterol.

10. Avocado

Avocados are a splendidly rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which are referred to as a good fats, which aid in lowering blood cholesterol levels and preventing the formation of blood clots. However, they tend to be very high in calories, one medium-sized avocado packs up 240 calories, so eat them in mindfully moderate portions.

11. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate, which contains at least 75% cocoa, is an immensely healthy pick to brim your body with highly beneficial flavonoids. Research reveals that flavonoids play an essential role in promoting the health of the heart, as they not only enhance the blood flow, but also, they make the arteries relaxed and healthy.

Just make sure you don’t pick out dark chocolate varieties that contain saturated fats, which come from ingredients such as palm oil. Always pick out chocolates that contain heaps of cocoa.

12. Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is the purest and richest form of olive oil, and it contains the most powerful density of healthy fats and antioxidants. These antioxidants and good fats aids in unclogging arteries that suffer from plaque build-up. It is the healthiest choice for a heart-healthy diet regime, far more beneficial than any other vegetable oil for they contain bad fats that raise cholesterol levels.

13. Soy Milk

Soy milk is brimming with naturally occurring compounds, isoflavones, which have been scientifically proven as a highly beneficial nutrient that lowers cholesterol levels. Unlike most animal milk varieties, soy milk does not contain a single trace of cholesterol, and it naturally has a very low concentration of fats. Moreover, soy milk is packed with niacin, an essential vitamin that enhances blood circulation.

14. Raisins

Raisins are one of the richest sources of potassium, which aids in reducing and normalizing blood pressure levels, and enhances the functioning of immunity-strengthening antioxidants. All you need is a handful of raisins to lower high blood pressure levels, and promote the health of your heart.

15. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the healthiest superfoods that makes an enormously energizing breakfast, along with delivering countless heart-healthy benefits, such as cutting down cholesterol levels. However, you must steer clear of all processed, instant and flavoured oatmeal varieties for they are brimming with processed sugar and no health benefits whatsoever.

Always be sure to pick out plain oatmeal varieties, and seek steel-cut or rolled oats, both of which are available at all local supermarkets and grocery stores.

16. Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts is your best plant-based source of countless vitamins and antioxidants, which are the healthiest nutrients to maintain the vitality of your heart. It not only promotes enhanced blood supply to the heart, but also lowers inflammation within the cardiovascular system, along with encouraging the improved health of blood vessels.

17. Cauliflower

This cruciferous vegetable is loaded with a powerful density of essential nutrients, such as fiber, antioxidants and allicin, a naturally occurring compound that is also found in garlic and plays a pivotal role in lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk factors that contribute to heart attacks. We strongly recommend you to add cauliflower and broccoli to your daily diet.

18. Yams

Yams are brimming with a rich and powerful assortment of heart-healthy nutrients, such as iron, calcium and vitamin C, which not only promote the health of the heart, but also aid in lowering high blood pressure levels. We strongly recommend you to devour them with their skin.

19. Whole Grains

Gluten-free whole grains, such as rice, and oat bran, are a wonderful addition to your heart-healthy diet for they work wonders at regulating and normalizing cholesterol levels.

It’s ideal if you steer clear of processed and refined grains, for they are brimming with glutens that not only trigger diabetes type 2, but have also been scientifically linked with the symptoms, such as clogged arteries, which contribute to several heart ailments.

20. Apples

Apples and their peels are brimming with antioxidants, fibers, pectin and protective polyphenols, which protect cholesterol levels from the attacks of damaging free radicals. All varieties of apples are brimming with pectin, which plays a pivotal role in blocking the absorption of cholesterol, along with heaps of fiber, which flush out cholesterol levels.

A recent study revealed that eating one apple every day aids in cutting down LDL or bad cholesterol levels by a whopping 40%.

21. Oranges

Oranges are brilliantly rich sources of pectin, vitamin C and a flavonoid that aids the body in reducing the symptoms of arterial inflammation and blood pressure levels. It also loads up a powerful concentration of hesperidin, a plant-based chemical that enhances the blood flow towards the heart.

Most importantly, oranges brim you up with vitamin C, which is the best vitamin to shield the heart against the symptoms of stroke.

22. Red Wine

Red wine is brimming with resveratrol, a naturally occurring compound that holds wondrously powerful antioxidant properties, which not only aid the body in fighting off the symptoms and spread of cancer, but also promote the health of the heart. Dark-hued berries and grapes are the richest sources of resveratrol.

Madirans and Cabernets are packed with powerfully high densities of an essential antioxidant, called procyanidins, which aids in the reduction of cholesterol levels, and enhances the overall health of the arteries.

However, you must consume red wine in mindfully moderate servings, no more than one or two glasses a day.

23. Grapefruit

Grapefruits are brimming with vitamin C, an essential vitamin that has scientifically proven as one of the best nutrients to shield the heart against the symptoms of stroke, along with lowering cholesterol levels.

However, if you are taking a statin, such as Lipitor, taking heart medications or sexual stimulation supplements like Viagra, it’s best if you steer clear of this juicy treat because it contains certain natural compounds that create toxic effects when mixed with the above mentioned medications.

24. Avocado Oil

Derived from a nutrient-rich fruit, several researchers have highlighted the heart-healthy properties of avocado oil due to its powerful concentration of fatty acids. It is a splendid choice for a cooking oil as it holds the ability to alter fatty acids present within the tissues surrounding the heart.

A recent study revealed that avocado oil plays a vital role in preventing the arteries from hardening, which is a principal cause of heart diseases.

25. Green Tea

For centuries, ancient Chinese medicine practitioners and herbalists have regarded green tea for its countless benefits on the physical and mental wellbeing, along with curing a wide range of chronic ailments.

Green tea is brimming with catechin and essential antioxidants, called flavonoids, which are capable of inducing multiple benefits to enhance the health of the cardiovascular system, such as reducing and preventing the formation of blood clots.

A recent study reveals that a hot and soothing cup of green tea is all you need to reduce and normalize blood pressure levels.